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Current Projects.

Federation Brickworks site Box Hill - This currently vacant site must become Public Open Space for the expanding population of Box Hill. CROWAG continues to advocate to Whitehorse City Council, The State Government and the Suburban Rail Loop Authority.


CROWAG supports the following local organisations in seeking a community led outcome:


Box Hill Brickworks Parkland Association -

Sign the Petition to retain the site here.


Surrey Hills and Mont Albert Progress Association  - Facebook



Statement to Parliament - Paul Hamer 28/5/2024

The Age - Loss of open space due to Victoria's Big Build 16/5/24


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Welcome to the website for the Combined Residents of Whitehorse Action Group (CROWAG) Incorporated.


Download our current Flier here

Incorporation Number:


Australian Business Number:


Model Rules located here


CROWAG supporting Eastsider News.

CROWAG and affiliate groups have submitted several articles in recent editions to this much needed local news service which is published bi-monthly on-line. Browse or sign up at:


Submission to Draft City of Whitehorse Budget
Our submission (May 22) to the Draft Budget encouraged adoption of the Urban Forest Strategy into the Planning Scheme as a key change as well as strengthening engagement, an additional $100,000 for street trees, and concrete commitment to the goals of the Urban Forest Strategy.


Inquiry into Protections within the Victorian Planning Framework
We lodged a submission to this inquiry (Jan 22). Because of the coming November state election, there are no public hearings. Written submissions will form a report for the next government.  


Your say on Council projects - 

We encourage Whitehorse to seek community engagement. Projects currently seeking community input can be found at 'Your Say' 


Inquiry into Environmental Infrastructure for Growing Populations - 

Read CROWAG's submission referencing the former Box Hill Brickworks site.All community submissions can be read on the Parliament of Vic site.


2020 Council Election:

Candidate Statements to CROWAG questionnaire are available at 'Events'.


VicSmart Changes - Unintended Consequences

CROWAG recently wrote to the Minister of Planning, Richard Wynne regarding our concerns regarding proposed changes to VicSmart and the potential negative impact on the landscape of Whitehorse. Please find a copy of our correspondence here.


The Minister's response can be viewed here.


North East Link

CROWAG Member David Berry of the Blackburn & District Tree Preservation Society has prepared a presentation on the affects of the proposed North East Link. See a summary here


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